Runnin’ and runnin’…and being a parent

19 Jan

Happy Monday ladies and gents!  Boy, this weekend sure went by fast!  I could seriously have another repeat…two more days would be fabulous.  But, sadly, that won’t be the case.  😦  Back to work it is.  Yet there were some really good moments lately, that I can’t really complain.  So as always, it’s time to hook up with Katie and share our marvelous moments!


Well as some of you know, I got a brand new little kitten…only 5 months old.  I named her Meeko.  Things have been pretty interesting lately with these little ones getting used to another cat around.  We have been following the steps for introducing each of them to the other.  At least we’re seeing some progression…I think.

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Meeko was kept in the office and Dexter was left in the rest of the house.  Well they quickly caught on that the other was just on the other side of the door and started to meow at each other and reach under the door for each other.

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Well since Meeko was locked in the office, which is my workout room, it was virtually impossible not to have her come by me mid-workout.  She is a huge snuggle-bug and meower when she wants to be played with.  She would meow up a storm when she wanted to me to play with her…and oftentimes when I wouldn’t listen, she’d plop herself right down by my feet.  I almost tripped over here and kicked her several times!  Eek.  But I avoided her.  It was really cute when I was doing yoga one day.  I was doing all sorts of poses and she at several times jumped up onto my knee or on my back while I was holding a pose.  I tried so hard not to laugh and fall, but it was simply too cute!

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We opened the gate up to have them see each other face to face.  There was a lot of meowing, swatting and hissing taking place :/  We also eventually switched their rooms to get them used to the others’ scent.  Then we let them finally meet and play together (supervised, of course!)

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When we went to bed Friday night, we obviously separated them from one another again.  When I woke up Saturday, this is what I found in the office…

kitty terror

Meeko was apparently trying to dig her way out of the office…by tearing up the floor and some of the wood paneling on the doorway.  This girl was NOT a happy camper!  Meeko was so excited to be free again…

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Friday night, Scott and I made a pretty big purchase.  We had been talking about it for over a week and decided that it was a good route for us to take.  We both agreed that it’d be a nice addition and worth getting.


Scott and I both haven’t been making good use of our gym membership…I’ve been doing workouts at home and Scott’s been very hit-or-miss since he’s been working on other projects at the house.  I’ve been wanting to start running again but found myself to be reluctant to start up again at the gym.  I am VERY slow since I haven’t run in so long and I guess a bit self-conscious running along-side those who are way more seasoned runners than I am.  Plus, with my stomach problems lately, I may have an intention to go to the gym, but then feel unable to run upon actually getting to the gym.  This way, I can run when I want to and when I’m feeling up to it.  No pressure if I can only run for ten minutes and then call it a day.  So we picked this sucker up  Friday night, a pretty simple, generic treadmill, but it had really great reviews.  Then Saturday morning, Scott started to assemble it.  I am SUPER excited about getting this.  More on that later! 😉

Scott had to stop working on it since we had plans to go with some friends to Discovery World in Milwaukee.  I’ve lived within a half-an-hour from this place my whole life and have NEVER been here.  So we finally made plans to make that happen.  I was really excited about it.  We had a blast!

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Discovery World is this super hands-on exploratory museum.  It’s really fun!  They had so many neat exhibits and features.

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Scott and I pushed on these yellow ‘buttons’ with our feet to power a fan!  I somehow got the job of pushing two, while Scott pushed one.  Not sure how that worked out…guess I’m more of the manly man 😉

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I’m about to lay down on a bed of nails!  That was pretty sweet.  The area I felt the most discomfort was my tooshy lol

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There were so many cool things to check out!  This one was really interesting, too.  You’d push a button and the you would see the sound pulse through the tube, lifting white beads up on top of each other.


That’s me!  🙂  It was a really cool place to check out.  I’m really glad that I finally got the chance to go.  We all had a great time together.  After our outing, Scott and I came back home and he finished setting up the treadmill!  Yay!  I took the opportunity later that afternoon to get my sneakers laced back up and tested out the new treadmill.  Ah, it felt so.dang.good to be back running (er, jogging) again!  I can’t wait to get back into a running routine.  I am secretly hoping that I can get up to half-marathon status by mid-May to surprise my best friend and run the Cellcom Green Bay Half Marathon on the 18th of May with her.  But, I haven’t told her anything yet (especially because I don’t know if I’ll even be ready by that point to do a half marathon).  She’s running it in honor of her uncle who passed away about a week ago to a rare form of leukemia.  He ran the Boston Marathon and she is using this run to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  I couldn’t be prouder of her and I already told her I’d be there to support her and cheer her on, but I thought it would be really awesome if I could run it with her.  But, only time will tell!

Saturday night was a nice relaxing night.  I stopped over by my parents for a bit, since Scott had a “sleepover” planned with his nephew at his mom’s house since he volunteered to help him with a boy scout project.  So I had the night to myself.  It was spent tracking Dexter and Meeko around the apartment to make sure they weren’t getting into any mischief with each other.  A small turn of events, Meeko who was the punk and hissing, swatting and growling at Dexter, started to finally mellow out.  She started to get close to Dexter and was smelling him and just curious.  Dexter started to lick Meeko!  (AWW!)  But that quickly turned into Dexter starting to bite on her neck! :/  Not cool.  I wasn’t sure if he was just playing but Meeko started to meow and hiss again, so I assumed that wasn’t the case.  The two finally tuckered out, though, and ended up actually falling asleep together snuggling with me on the couch.  Peace at last!

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The rest of my weekend was pretty laid back.  Sunday I woke up pretty early, since I went to bed pretty early Saturday night.  I spent the early morning blogging, then headed out to run some errands.  I stopped off at Petco while I was out to try and get some scratch repellant spray to put near the bottom of the door in the office to try and deter Meeko from clawing up the carpet.  I tried it when I got home and…it did absolutely NOTHING.  She smelled it then just kept on doing her thing.  Sigh.  Then I had to close her into the bathroom since I couldn’t afford to let her tear up the carpet.  I hate having to do that, but right now I don’t have any other choice.  😦

I went for another run on the treadmill, which felt great again.  Then played referee with the cats, went to church, did some meal prep for the week and just had a pretty chill night in Sunday night with Scott watching some football and Breaking Bad.  (Sad, we are almost done with the show)  Hope you all had a great weekend and have a marvelous Monday!  ❤


Posted by on January 19, 2014 in Uncategorized


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8 responses to “Runnin’ and runnin’…and being a parent

  1. Laura@FitFreshandFunny

    January 20, 2014 at 2:10 am

    Welcome back to jogging! Kitty introduction is so stressful but you’re doing great. That museum looked awesome-reminded us of an optical illusion exhibit we saw on our honeymoon.

    • Little Miss Fit

      January 20, 2014 at 1:22 pm

      Thanks, Laura! It feels good to be back. The key this time around is for me to set a schedule and stick to it…not pushing myself too much!

      Yeah it was so much fun! I love stuff like that 🙂

  2. Julie

    January 20, 2014 at 4:11 pm

    I love going to places like Discovery World – brings out the curiosity and kid in me!

    • Little Miss Fit

      January 20, 2014 at 11:49 pm

      You are absolutely right! I definitely felt like a kid again. It was a total treat! 🙂

  3. runnermamablogger

    January 21, 2014 at 3:05 am

    Welcome back and good luck! Your kitty is so cute!

    • Little Miss Fit

      January 21, 2014 at 3:12 am

      Thanks so much! It feels great to be back!

      She is a handful! They are running around like crazy together right now. Oy!

  4. Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    January 22, 2014 at 3:33 pm

    Awww Meeko is just TOO cute! I love your story about how you were trying to yoga and the little miss just wanted to play. So adorable! I’m glad the two cats are getting along. I had two once when I was younger, and they just did not get along at all!

    Also, have I ever mentioned that you and Scott are a beautiful couple? Get started on making some gorgeous babies already haha ;)! Just kidding ;).

    • Little Miss Fit

      January 23, 2014 at 11:10 pm

      Isn’t she?! She is soooo affectionate! She purrs soooo loudly! It’s adorable. She sounds like she has a motor in her haha.

      Thanks lady. That’s something you are an expert in. You and Kyle are like the most gorgeous couple ever! Surrriously! 🙂


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